I have come to the conclusion, that I come to too many conclusions. It seems like all of my blogs start the same way. An epiphany followed by stating it as such, followed further by a 3 or four paragraph on how it relates to the real world relative to my own observations. It's obnoxious I think, and I really wish that I could just think that birds fly and the sky is blue without thinking about air resistance or how light is refracted by nitrogen. Why can't a rose be a rose...?
Because, its a flower with thorns and petals.
Anyway, I should be practicing my guitar right now, but I have hit a snag. I could have sworn that my lesson was on Thursdays, but at noon it hit me... Videon doesn't give lessons on Thursdays... My lesson was at 3 and I was not ready. I was going to practice later today after class, and then a bit on Thursday morning, but Instead I had to cram 2 days worth of practice into 2 hours. Damn it all... I just need to slow down for a bit. This applied music bullshit is the only thing between me and my future plans to become a washout band teacher that makes less than 30,000 a year. Big aspirations I know, but all the same, I seem to be failing at it. I could fall back on writing, but if anyone who has read my blog couldn't tell, as well as I write, it is unrefined, unmarketable, and further more, expects way way way too much out of its audience.
That's when it hit me, ALL of my skills are related to obscurely paid, inconstant, and long shot requiring jobs that will pay big if they work, but chances are, I'll be a pennyless miser. I'm a leftover philisopher in a world of mindless falsehoods and dollar signs. I need a way out...
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