Monday, June 2, 2014
a #NotallMen reaction to #YesAllWomen, or how to deal with "mansplaining"
Now, as I read this, my blood started to boil. It had nothing to with having to show empathy, nor with the fact that women are treated like fuckposts with coin-op slots. My rage came from the "mansplaining" and the "check your privilege" cliche articles included in his call to somehow garner solidarity.
Checking your privilege is an attack phrase invented by well meaning white man folk to make sure that other white man folk are reminded that they are part of a discrimination problem. If you only give up your privilege in a society you can make a better one. I take issue with this because, though the motivations are coming from a progressive angle, the end result is anything but equitable. Checking privilege is, like most "cultural sensitivity" methods discriminatory. It states that the only way a minority, a gender, a belief can have any sort of authority is by garnering it from the dominant race, gender, or belief system. It is no less bigoted than "separate but equal" and still forces the dominance paradigm, it just does it in a more politically acceptable manner. It seems to even reverse what the idea of privilege assessment is supposed to facilitate.
Privilege analysis is to become empathetic of others by realizing that there are some things afforded by your gender, race, tallness,attractiveness, and other natural traits that others do not. It is to take inventory of what sort of things in one's own life that has given him or her a boon. These are not things you can consciously "check" as the catchphrase would have you believe; you cannot take these off. they are just there as a feature of who you are in society. Yet the idea persists that somehow a person can take off the trappings of natural things and operate as though advantages do not occur. This is just silly, and it is corrosive to those to whom these boons do not apply. Assuming privilege is something that can be relinquish it to attribute privilege to a right that someone has been offered, but can freely refuse. It is a moment for white men folk to say "now, without all the good things about being white and a man, I am just like you. Take away the awesome that I am, and I become a minority and a woman, at least until I take privilege back from the coat check girl."
At any rate, I was mad at the idea of checking my privilege and so I addressed it. See, privilege is reciprocal. As one demographic gains a privilege, and equal and opposite privilege occurs in the disadvantaged realm. White people can always purchase culturally relevant items, supplies, and literature. Black people can say the word "Nigga" without rebuttal. Even Mexicans who speak English can mutter Spanish and have people leave them alone. There is positives to every classification out there, though whites just seem to have more of them when it comes to opportunity and class placement. So, I asked about what privileges would be given up by women if I "checked my privilege" as a man. Would women be required to sign up for selective service when they turned 18? Would I not always have to pay for the date? Would incarceration rates even out between women and men? Would I not have to lose half of my shit in a divorce settlement? I played devil's advocate to prove my point on the fact that I think privilege checking is a farce, a token gesture, and must go both ways in order to be truly fair, the response to which was an article was cut and pasted about how Devil's advocacy is a deflection. So, I adjusted my line of reasoning from dramatic satire to explaining my point of view directly. this followed with a prompt excommunication from his facebook friends list. Shucks.
Fine, forget my diabolical client here. The issue I have is now on the idea of "mansplaining" or what I can only conjecture to be the practice to fallaciously dismiss the experience of a woman by describing the experience of a man. This derailment of real conversation and empathy comes from a strange place in our society which I feel qualified as a man to illuminate. When a woman says "I was raped by a man," a man makes the idea of rapist ambiguous. our first reaction to being included in the idea of "a man" is to then distance ourselves from being a rapist. Most of us would rather not concede that they are a rapist, I suppose, and it is natural given our upbringing in a society that encourages men to be dominant possessors. Our reputations are being called into question as a women says "a man molested me." Our reputations correlate directly with our ability at conquest, and so if our reputation is insulted, we try to save face by distancing ourselves from the undesirable classification. In no way is a man saying that a women's experience is invalid, nor is he trying to maliciously silence a woman for speaking her mind. He is trying to preserve his dignity.
This is the rotten part of the culture as I see it. As men, we are still seen as the providers, as the bread winners, as the conquerors. We are expected to still provide for everyone, while the role of women has been in slow flux for a few hundred years, becoming more autonomous while we still occupy our full role along with new responsibilities once considered "women's work". We are still expected to pay for the drinks, to fight over the bill with other men, to prove our worth with our wallets and possessions to make more money, to be successful, to still crave women and treat them as something to be conquered, payed for, or won. When a man does not do these things, he is shunned, berated, called impotent and weak. This is the reciprocal nature of the rape culture that we have instilled: Women are defaced morally by sex and Men by refusal. This means that when a man is rejected, our culture decides that man is worthless. Most learn to cope and move on to a new conquest. Some go to great lengths to change this. Some kill, some rape, some stalk, some relentlessly pursue until they wear a person down. We are encouraged to take things by force, to push for what we want. We are also sold the lie that all one needs for success is determination and persistence. It is a moral failing on the man's part that he has no women, because if he only tried harder he could have anything he wanted, a modern superstition perpetuated by over-privileged men talking down to the beta-males in our society. So, paradoxically, it is morally corrupting to maintain our corruption free reputation as a man.
This leads to the breakdown of empathy in a number of capacities. For one, imagine you were a man who has traditional male values an this success delusion and wants to have sex with a woman, so he asks her out. To the man, the woman knows this expectation that in exchange for proof of assets, he might be deemed worthy of copulation, and by agreeing to go out and consume his money, there is a transaction being carried out. This is the toxic masculinity that we have been embroiled in since we were given a name. We are consistently tallying the relationship in terms of possessions, purchases, and payout. We see only cuddling at the end of he night as a women getting 100% of what she asked for in the relationship and equitably less for the man, a swindle, a rip off. It destroys this man. We feel used, we feel violated, we feel angry, but most of us move on. when many of us that cannot cut the "Alpha-Male" stereotype then learn that we would rather have relationship over sexual conquest and take the shunning of those who are more attractive, wealthy, and privileged for one reason or another. Those who succeed with this toxic male outlook then can evoke the envy of those who still want the power and the women, those who have yet to find the beauty and eventual coupling of relationship over transaction, and because of the perseverance fallacy we are fed, those willing to perpetuate the culture of misogyny. There is no concern for the women in this, no reason to take her side in the argument because in this world view, the woman is chattle.
Now, empathy then is broken by those beta-males as well, when they want to distance themselves from toxic masculinity. We do not want to be included in the title of all men, but we understand we cannot be separate. The M&Ms metaphor comes to mind. if 10 percent of the M&M's are poison, would you have a handful? Though the idea of conquest is weeded out of our behavior through experience, our sensibility to have our reputation untarnished still lingers. We absolutely abhor the idea of being included with rapists in these anecdotes, so the natural reaction is to save face. We reply with seemingly non-sequitir rebuttals like "I am not a rapist" and "it is tough for men too" without thinking we are derailing any justice. We refuse to see ourselves the way the victims see us because we feel it is unfair to say that all men are like this. The disruption is severe here. We normally cannot go any further because to a women, the term "Man" is perfectly accurate to what they are going through, while we as men see a cline in behavior among us, a pile of shit on the top with the rest of us avoiding association. Men, in essence see the face side of the cards when it comes to men and their intentions, while women only get the backs, and so it is natural that all men be included in the experience.
The end result is the men trying to pull away from the association and feeling rejected, like their reputations are being hurt. Once again, reputation relates directly to possessing and conquering, and even though most of us grow out of including people in our conquest, we are still ingrained to look at our moral worth through our possessions and by extension our reputations as possessors. If our legacy is then tarnished by being unable to avoid the classification of rapist, we feel morally broken.
So we combat, we diffuse, we derail any conversation as fighters, as combatants, as virile masculine stock. And we silence empathy.
This is my simple analysis of the situation, but it would be disingenuous not to offer advice to keep this derailment from happening. I have one thing that can be done to produce empathy. Simply acknowledge that the defensive men are not rapists. A women cannot be sure of the intentions of a man, this is true, but those of us who wish not to be included with rapists will rally with you if you just acknowledge that this man replying to you is simply trying to save face. Once that man is let off the hook, his masculinity preserved, then two things are bound to happen. The first is the man can finally introduced to the constant shit storm that is modern femininity. It is absolutely horrendous and for the love of God I wish that it could be another way. I cry for every woman that has ever questioned if her rape was her fault, for every girl that felt guilty about her curves or lack there of. I have utter disdain for every man that could ever decide that no was not clear enough of an answer, or more to the point, refused to take no as an answer to the modernist bullsh it of following your desires regardless of the consequences. I hate the idea that children are denied nutrients because of prudish ass hats claiming breast feeding is indecent because of some wide spread mammary fetish. I wish I could personally neuter every man who ever blamed unwanted groping on the cut of a shirt or the length of a hem. I hate that when I tell my wife she is beautiful she can list 20 things wrong with her. This is not whining. This is constant, unadulterated fear that women have to experience every second of everyday. It's something that I do not wish for my daughter, and likewise, I do not wish on my son, the future recipient of this toxic notion of chivalry. I wish for a day that a woman could hear the words "you are beautiful" from a man and not reach for her mace or attempt to sabotage the compliment with some bull about cellulite and cup size. I wish for a day, where cat calls could be replaced by compliments, not laced with the empty sexual repression of a toxic masculinity, but as affirmations of feminine beauty. I wish that if my son were to stare at a body, admiring it, he would not be seen as a predator. Hell, I wish that for me. I wish that my eyes did not translate into lust and malice towards the opposite sex. I wish that eye contact was flattering and not frightening. Once you can move beyond defensiveness and into empathy, there are things that a good man cannot turn from.
The other inevitable event from acknowledging innocence from being a rapist is that you gain an ally. You gain all of the force of original chivalry, the defending of your honor. You gain a person that will tell a pushy egregious asshole to leave. After being introduced to the cesspool female discrimination on a personal level, you also have a male friend that is not doing the interaction math when you share your story, cry on his shoulder, borrow his ear. If he is really trying to avoid the label of being a "man" in your story, he will also be fighting the same corrosive masculinity that you are constantly subject too. Though he is far from a victim, he still suffers from this type of discrimination. About the only person that is unaffected is the Alpha-male prick who, unfortunately becomes the object of envy and therefore the pattern of modern masculinity. Once a man is confirmed not a rapist here, he is free to point out the emperors nudity and free others. I think that this is slowly occurring with movements like #yesallwomen or the subreddit 2xchromasomes. The problem is that conquest is still encouraged among men, and these things are an affront to that sense of conquest. To d-bag alphas it is a challenge on their influence and power, to us betas, it is an association with those we would rather not be associated. Getting "mansplained" does not mean the conversation has ended. The shitty ones will walk away or continue with how "unfair" it is, and those of us with maturity and a conscience will be reasonable once we know you don't think we are the bad guy. It is the second group that will become your allies here.
In the end, this is a struggle for both genders, and both genders need to know they will be safe. Both genders suffer under these obsolete and corrupted views of masculinity and if those genders squabble between themselves, this gives the advantage to the bastards benefiting from the discord, the defamation of character that the abusers rely on for their power. It happens both ways. Women, if you are patient with us, the non-poisonous M&Ms, you get our motivation, our rage, our passion and our tenacity wasted on our false calling as possessors, and have it channeled against your abusers. By no means do we as men need to assume responsibility for violations we have not done, nor do we need to "check our privilege" which I have demonstrated hopefully to be impossible anyway. I don't show my solidarity but not defending myself, but by simply saying I do not know your struggle, but I am willing to listen, not out of guilt, but out of common decency and my own scars from this terrible system of stagnated manhood. I will lend and ear, a shoulder, or a fist if necessary.
Sunday, April 6, 2014
Why Literally should not ve used figuratively (religiously)
Every word in the bible is literal and true. Samuel made the sun sit still, the world was made in a 24 hour period regardless of the presence of a sun before day 4, and placing a penis into a man's anus is an abomination. Every word is god breathed and is useful for rebuking... well that is the important one. Of course, this only happens until we have to describe our pains, our struggles, and our perceived agonies. When jesus said "I have been sent to those in prisons" it can mean a spiritual prison, a prison of finances, a personal prison of poverty, a prison of bad habbits and addiction. However, on the topic of Noah, there were dinosaurs on the ark. We can make things like work a graven image in our lives, like football, like women, pornography, drinking addiction, poverty can be our idol if we worship SNAP and medicaid. Also, if you believe in anything other than Jesus is going to come back and burn the edifices of those people we judge and dislike, you are a decieved ignoramus who refuses to accept the literal word of God. Swearing, not in it's literal sense of swearing oaths, but in being profane, using God's name in vain, and using the replacements for those words like heck and gosh. You may as well say those profanities and cursings. A fetus is murder because the bible literally says "I knew you when in your mother's womb" no interpretation issues or anything, and if we let gays get together, we will be showered with fire and brimstone. There is no other interpretation. However sometimes we are being opressed by philistenes like the government, philistines like not wanting read your bible and giving your offerings and tithes, philistines like poverty, and addiction, and abortionists. It's not literal philistines and I should know, my pastor told me and I dechiphered the poetic language of my bible. The poetic words of the Psalms is the literal wod of God. You have to be familiar with it to understand it. There is a literal valley of the shadow of death that I walk in, and I think it is in Huston. Now, someone's figurative valley could be taxes, abortion, addiction, sadness, gossip, depression, abortion, poverty. That is not literal, and you have to be able to be discerning in these matters. Take it fom me; I know the pastor. My uncle is the pastor, my cousin married the pastor and I went to youth group and had a bible study during lunch.
Tell me, why can we fudge literal interpretations just because it justifies our grace and defiles those we are to love? When we have that selective play with definititions, we run the risk of defining what we wish and not what is. If the bible is literal, let it be literal, but do not turn and say that literal, clear things , mean something they do not because we ironically think that by inventing a definition, we support the undefined and literal interpretation of a book with no modern context.
Morally, it is all allegory. It is mythology. It is Entymology. It is a window into the insights of prior generations of humans with a view into where our ideas comefrom and where our values originate.
Thursday, April 3, 2014
The goal is simple
I recently attempted to write a novel instead of growing a beard. I failed in both despite the amount of shaving I did not do. Camp Nanowrimo has begun and now I am 3 days behind. I have decided simply to finish the novel I started. Is that a cop out or a cheat? Perhaps, but perhaps it is an oppertunity to finish the last leg of the marathon. I used to write everyday in my younger days, and now I find that I write less for me and more for arguments on social media and other such nonsense. Why should I waste my genius on those people? A few things toconsider though:
1, I can only write when I am not at work. I ran into this issue when I was doing nanowrimo. I was letting my work slip so I could write.
2. I need to avoid drama. My last nanowrimo was enveloped in bullshit by the 3rd chapter, when thkngs became difficult in my real life. Since then I have got my house in order and hopefully I can make some progress outside of having the bottom of maslow's pyramid cave in.
3. Weekends are ideal. This means that I have 34000 words to mash out in between laundry, sleeping, and watching my 5 year old son at home. 34000w/30 gw/m= 11333 words which comes to 11333. (((11333/60 min/h) /24 h/d) /2 d/weekend) /4 weekends a month) comes to about 2 days a week of solid writing to finish Dissolution. If I write from midnights to midnights. So, as ideal as weekends might be, I have to put in some sweat during the week, leaving very little time for anything else. I'll at least finish it sometime.