Thursday, April 3, 2014

The goal is simple

I recently attempted to write a novel instead of growing a beard.  I failed in both despite the amount of shaving I did not do.  Camp Nanowrimo has begun and now I am 3 days behind.  I have decided simply to finish the novel I started.  Is that a cop out or a cheat?  Perhaps, but perhaps it is an oppertunity to finish the last leg of the marathon.  I used to write everyday in my younger days, and now I find that I write less for me and more for arguments on social media and other such nonsense.  Why should I waste my genius on those people?  A few things toconsider though:
1, I can only write when I am not at work.   I ran into this issue when I was doing nanowrimo.  I was letting my work slip so I could write.
2.  I need to avoid drama.  My last nanowrimo was enveloped in bullshit by the 3rd chapter, when thkngs became difficult in my real life.  Since then I have got my house in order and hopefully I can make some progress outside of having the bottom of maslow's pyramid cave in.
3.  Weekends are ideal.  This means that I have 34000 words to mash out in between laundry, sleeping, and watching my 5 year old son at home.  34000w/30 gw/m= 11333 words which comes to 11333. (((11333/60 min/h) /24 h/d) /2 d/weekend) /4 weekends a month) comes to about 2 days a week of solid writing to finish Dissolution.  If I write from midnights to midnights.  So, as ideal as weekends might be, I have to put in some sweat during the week, leaving very little time for anything else.  I'll at least finish it sometime.

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